Antocal Nesdi, Spiritual Leader from Andes, Colombia, South America
Please read the following message regarding what is happening around the world, that is, the attack on humanity by dark forces, according to Antocal Nesdi and her guides. I emphasized phrases that I found especially helpful and important.
introduction (ref. http://theearthplan.blogspot.com/2020/04/cv-message-from-antocal-nesdi-spiritual.html)
This message was recorded in Los Angeles, at the end of March 2020, at the beginning of the lockdown imposed in California due to the projected risks associated with the propagation of the Coronavirus.
This recording is intended for the spiritual leaders of the Cordillera of the Andes. However, the teachings offered here can be put in practice by any individual awaken or walking the path of awakening.
While all gatherings – religious included – have been forbidden almost worldwide, today each and every one of us, all of us, wherever we may be, have the opportunity and the responsibility to convert ourselves into a channel of peace, love and light from the intimacy of our hearts.
the message (ref. http://theearthplan.blogspot.com/2020/04/transcript-antocal-nesdi-cv-message.html)
“Very good day to you all my brothers
A very good moment to all the beings on earth
This is a message I’d been waiting for a long time
But even more since the moment we arrived here in Los Angeles
As all of you know, we started this journey from Colombia,
To arrive here, in this territory of the United States
The doors have been opened to us in a way very Very smooth, during all this process that we undertook
And yet, here we are in this moment of catharsis, in this moment of crisis
In which I asked myself
What is the reason for our presence here ?
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