freedom from fear — the day after vision four
Vision four: ‘soap bubbles’. For the first time since d-day (read ‘deception’ day) I no longer feared ‘catching’ something that virtually everyone on the planet believes has a high mortality rate and can kill you or make you very sick if you’re not being extremely careful.
No more obsessive hand washing and cleaning of surfaces with isopropyl alcohol a.k.a ‘hand sanitizer’ — a chemical that is really more dangerous to your health than any ‘virus’.
I could actually go out and breathe the fresh air without fearing some deadly contagion is floating with it. And get some sun at the same time.
Going into stores I was no longer hesitant to touch surfaces like counters, touch products on shelves without wearing gloves (never did wear them anyway!). And not afraid to touch my face after touching multiple surfaces.
challenging times
You would think that being liberated from this particular fear made life easier during this time. In one obvious way it did, but life also became challenging. But not in the way our government and main stream media presented it! That is, having to ‘social distance’, avoid friends, wash hands frequently, use a hand sanitizer…
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