James Book of Revelation: One

I saw it coming, I saw something coming! You see, from time to time I get these prophetic ‘visions’, during an altered consciousness state while meditating or in an especially lucid ‘dream’ state. I don’t make it a practice to try and predict the future — I’m not in the fortune telling business! And I really don’t know why Spirit sends me these visions. I suppose so that I would write about them, (eventually), so I’m a ‘messenger’ of sorts.

As anybody who attempts to make future world predictions knows, prophetic dreams or visions are usually symbolical, requiring ‘interpretation’. My own vision regarding what is currently happening (albeit in retrospect!), what main stream media refer to as the ‘pandemic’, is no different.

What follows is my take on what has been happening, and is still happening (in the present year of 2020), on our planet Earth and in the subtle planes near our Earth plane.

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Bokonamirus 2020 two — D day and the days that followed


I now call it d-day or deception day in retrospect. It was the same day in March that I spent my last day in a coffee shop, dining in (seems a distant memory as of this writing in July), with my wife, before ‘all hell broke loose’, as they say.

That evening I received a very long text from my step-daughter, frantically explaining that this new bokonamirus may infect up to 70% of Canadians with a mortality rate of between two and three percent. My gosh, more that half a million may die of this in Canada alone, and what, five million in the USA! Don’t even want to think how many will die worldwide!

As I kept reading the text my head started spinning. Long list of ‘essentials’ I should buy or order immediately, enough to last at least a month. I got to hurry because store shelves everywhere are being literally ‘cleaned out’ as I am reading this list! Stock up on food, paper goods, and oh, especially toilet paper!

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Bokonamirus 2020 one — the day it started for me, and the days that followed

in the beginning

Where do I begin? Oh yes, somewhere near the beginning of March, 2020, some buzzword going around called ‘bokonamirus’ (see ‘Notes’ below for meaning). I got it! There is a new flu bug going around, making people kind of nervous, more nervous than usual at this time of year, being in the middle of the flu season.

Well, I didn’t think much of it at first, having seen this sort of thing happen before, in 2009 (*1*1), in 2003 (mars), and every year people always so eager to line up for their annual flu shot. I never had a flu shot in my life (and at this writing I’m 71), never panicked, and rarely got sick with anything other than a mild cold. I say rarely, because I have had the flu three times in my life that I can remember, the first time as a teenager and the last about 10 years ago. Never did anything about it except stayed in bed, ate chicken soup, took aspirin (I think), and got over the unpleasant experience in about a week. Each time, though, I landed in bed after abusing my immune system by exposing myself to extreme cold (Canadian winters, eh!) without dressing appropriately.

I noticed something different this time, though. Every time I went to a coffee shop and asked for a mug for my coffee (I prefer to taste the coffee, not the cardboard or plastic), the response was invariably ‘can’t give out mugs any more, you have to settle for a paper cup’. ‘Bokonamirus’ I replied? A polite nod.

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