James Book of Revelation: Four

deeply concerned about this new ‘coronavirus’, I asked for help

How long am I going to continue to clean surfaces, be careful what I touch, avoid people, have my coffee breaks at home (or in my car) and worry about how dangerous this is should I be so unlucky as to ‘catch’ this? After all, my wife and I are both over 65 and so considered to be in the ‘most vulnerable’ age group where it could be life-threatening.

So one night, just before retiring for the day, I decided to ask for help from our Creator. That night, in a vision, I got my answer.

ask and it shall be given

Or it’s ‘ask and thou shalt receive’, from Matthew 7:7 in the Bible (I looked it up). I have asked Spirit questions many times in the past (and still have many questions!) regarding my spiritual life — and questions to do with relationship issues, financial issues and health issues — usually during meditation, contemplation or before going to sleep at night. Most of the time I don’t get an answer that I can remember, is clear enough, or that makes sense. That’s if I get an answer at all!

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