this message can wait no longer!
I really thought that by now, mistakenly in retrospect, second month into the new year of 2021, that enough people would have their eyes open and realize the insanity of wearing masks, social distancing and lockdowns to prevent the spread of this fake virus which, if it were real, has a 99.97% recovery rate for most who become ‘infected’.
Boy was I wrong! In my province of Ontario, people are more scared than ever! Kudos to the news media and big pharma propaganda machine! Everywhere I see people wearing masks, inside the stores, in their cars, walking outside with nobody else around, many even believing the medical ‘experts’ that they should ‘double up’ on masks and wear two of them, one over top of the other! How about three or more? More ‘protection’ from the ‘boogeyman’ but more brain cells gone!
divine chastisement or judgement?
Is it possible, as some believe, that the world is experiencing Divine Chastisement, as possibly prophesied by Our Lady of Fatima in 1917, for turning away from God?
Or are we, as a civilization, and as many believe, living in ‘end times’ as prophesied in the Book of Revelation (New Testament), and awaiting Judgement?
Continue reading “James Book of Revelation: Six — The Four New Commandments”